Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 8: What I ate today

The district nurses had their end of the year potluck brunch today. So I got to spend my morning with all of these wonderful ladies, full of wisdom, stories, and advice. They are always watching out for me and trying to teach me life lessons. When I'm at work I feel like I have 10 mothers, but that's a good thing.

Today was also extra special, I tried to take in every minute cause with my future plans, there is a very good chance I wont be seeing them next year. I am definitely going to miss each and every single one of them.
So back on topic. The food.
I had a little bit of each. I didn't know what 90% of the food was, but it sure tasted good. Also had some mimosas and fancy french champagne flowing. The weather was also perfect. I wanted to take a nap so bad after stuffing myself with all the good food.
Later in the afternoon, Jeff and I went for a ride to visit the guys at Area Cycles. Hung out for a bit. On the way back we grabbed some mexican food. I had me a super taco, horchata, and the usual condiments.
Oh and I guess Ive been biking in these shorts so much a hole developed on my shorts. haha
Good day today.

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