Friday, December 17, 2010

Ride Time

Between my 2 jobs I was scheduled to work 12 days straight and on top of that a forecast of rain for a whole week I knew that finding time to ride was going to be difficult, but it just so happened to be sunny on Wednesday and I was going to be off work early. So to take advantage of it all, I hit up Rob and we went on a ride from Hayward to Berkeley.

Since it's been a while that we've gotten a chance to hang out, a lot of catching up was done so the ride wasn't a "ride as fast as you can to get wherever were going" type of ride. It was medium paced where we can chat it up. We also just kept taking detours, going on trails, roads, and neighborhoods that we haven't been before.

We eventually made it to Berkeley where we ended with a total of near 50 miles. Got some indian food and drank a whole bunch of chai tea.

Then on the way back home I got a call to hang out with the guys at Tapioca Express. From there someone threw in the idea of playing power hour. Then the craziness began.

A shot of beer every minute for 60 minutes. It doesnt sound that much but man that was hard. We even started it off with a shot of vodka. I was able to finish the whole 60 minutes but a couple minutes after taking the last shot of beer I had to make my way to the backyard and pretty much threw everything up. (yupp even the indian food from earlier)

Then the bromance started. Rob pinning Mike on the couch for a good 20 minutes, then Jeff wrestling Scotty and after that Scotty and myself.

Definitely a good night.

Oh and Happy 11th Birthday to my little brother!

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