Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Hope you guys are enjoying stuffing all yall faces and then feeling guilty about how much food you just ate and making plans when youre going to exercise to try to burn off those few thousand calories you just consumed! haha. Sorry I think I am just a little bitter cause at this very moment I am stuck at work watching the clock count down while everyone else is enjoying good food along with the company of their family. I was going to say "loved ones" but we all know there are always those relatives that you hate! But hey at least Im making money! $$!!

Anyways I hope everyone has a good thanksgiving. Heres some pictures you can stare at while you try to fight off your food comas.

Stepped in a puddle!
Real random trip to the city all because of a picture of clam chowder in a bread bowl!
best clam chowder EVER

My security guard trying to take a nap. So does not look right.

Cooking with Erica while Ryan sleeps.

My Boss' mansion and vineyard

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