Saturday, September 26, 2009

A whole lot of driving

A lot of deals too. Planning on staying home today but that didn't exactly work out. Got picked up by Ryan so I can accompany him to San Ramon to sell his beloved aerospoke. (haha) With that money he made he decided to head to Saulsalito to buy his new wheelset. Now his bike can look proper. Headed back to my area but instead of going home, we went to Ru's to chill, eat, and play with my favorite dog. Then we headed to San Jose to do a craigslist transaction for a seatpost. After that to Tap, then Tuttimelon and finally Wal-Mart. Long and tiring day. But I guess it beats staying at home all day.

and lets go to Saulsalito for dinner. Experience the nice view of the bay and the million dollar houses and get eyed down by all the rich white millionaires.

1 comment:

dunksrnice said...

7th picture is by south city, Always wanted to hit that area up since I pass by it alot.