Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sunny Day

After a month or so of crap weather, the clouds finally let up and let the sun come out to play. Which worked out perfectly with my work schedule, my co workers trading me shifts, which meant I worked in the morning and I had the rest of the day to have some fun. Speaking of work, Im scheduled to work 12 days straight, but good things is easy and slow. Too slow at times, where I find myself just being bored out of my mind trying to find things to do. But hey, at least Im getting paid for it.
After work I met up with Jeff and Justin and we rode out to Coyote Hills. We planned to visit "The Boat" but to our surprise it isnt there anymore! :(
But life goes on and we continued on our ride and went up Nike Hill. Havent been actually putting in good miles on the bike so my legs werent really there. Plus I was getting super hungry, but I wasnt gonna give up and made it to the top. It was very painful.
On top of that I did it on the track bike while the other 2 were on their road bikes spinning away.
After all that rode all the way to San Leandro to go to Bike Party. They decided to have it in Hayward this month. Dont ask me why, there isnt really much in Hayward and the route they were taking was through the ghetto parts and on top of that, half of the riders were either drunk or stoned. Wouldnt wanna be riding in that kind of crowd. So we decided not to ride and just get picked up by Steve in his 10ft truck.
Ended the day with a nice large meal at Red Chilli. Tofu Pad Thai!

Also ere are some random pictures:

Charles jumping over his bike.
and this would make one funny gift.
Thats all for now.

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