That was the noise that was coming from my external hard drive this morning. I was trying to transfer some music into my new laptop but I guess that's not happening. The clicking noise also happened with my old laptop which usually means the hard drive is failing or has failed. Im going to bring it into a computer place to see if they can recover some files out of it, but if not then 6-8 years worth of music and pictures are gone. But I guess Im not too bummed out because I can always look back into this blog, facebook, and even myspace to try and refresh those memories. Thank god for the internet.
Anyways. Other than that, I havent really been in the best mood lately. Its more internal, just thinking a little too much about where I am in life right now. But like always, I am thankful I have a good group of friends that are always there for me to talk to and vent, makes life a lot easier to deal with.
Heres some pictures. Falafel Ice cream shake Cherry Knot Tissue Top Dog New Running shoes. more drawing
Well at the end of my first day off I was called to come out of the house by my little brother because one of our neighbor's house was on fire! Luckily we live right by the fire station and it was put out real fast but the house was pretty much gone. and to not feel so guilty about staying in bed all day. I went and got my snake a mouse for dinner. Found out he hasnt been moving a lot lately cause he was shedding. He had a couple scars when I first got him so a few more sheds and hes gonna have flawless skin. So onto Day Off #2.
I got to have lunch with a good friend of mine, Chris. We had a good couple of hours to catch up on each others busy lives. Always good catching up. Also I was being a little cheap, well I just finished eating breakfast before, so I got me horchata and snacked on the free chips and salsa. If I was homeless this would be the way to go! My brother also won the spelling bee. Im telling you, this kid is going somewhere. Once I got back home I realized that I had nothing to do or planned. Totally nothing. Its was a mixed feeling cause I love being busy but Ive also been longing for a day where I done have any commitments. Well, I decided to take my snake out (get your mind out the gutter) and let it roam around for a bit. Im sure he hates being locked up in his tank all day. Then met up with Jeff and Thea and got some Jamba Juice. Jeff found the secret menu and ordered from there. Definitely put a smile on his face. Then we went with his brother to the Nike Outlet where I finally grabbed myself a new pair of running shoes. Now I just need another day off to break them in.
Hopefully next week's weather will be as beautiful as this.
Heard some good news yesterday that my eye surgery job will not be having any surgeries for 2 weeks. Even though this means I wont get paid, it also means that I have some free time to bum around and not do a god damn thing. Which I have not done in since... I cant even remember. So my anthem for the next 2 days is....
and since I have some free time, it also means I have some time to update this thing. So heres whats been going on in my life the past week.
First of all, have you guys seen "Black Swan"? If you havent go watch it NOW. Mila Kunis is BANGIN!! in that movie! Been dressing a little grown up lately, but even then I still get comments as "you look like a school boy." But hey, at least I feel good! Attended my cousin's baby's baptism where I was/am one of the godfathers. Here is Aiden. My 3rd godkid. At the reception I was chatting it up with a few of the other godparents and one of them is a X-Ray tech and he had a few pretty interesting photos to show us. Can anyone guess what this is? and then finally, just been stuffing my face with some good food. this next meal I or "we" actually cooked! Celebrated my old classmate Gretchen's birthday. Youre a good friend and all but I must say, you are a boring birthday girl! Let loose a bit, drink a few drinks, its your day where you have a totally legitimate excuse to get shitfaced and end up in your bed and not know what the fuck happened the night before. Live a little. But Happy Birthday! Oh and a new high score on fruit ninja. Just to clarify, this is on the arcade mode. 721 points in 60 seconds. and ya'll know how I feel about sunsets.
My prayers were answered and I am now enjoying this AMAZING weather. Feels like springtime... in January. But I guess I got more than the weather to enjoy. Epic sunsets, mcflurries, apple pies, sundaes, and surprisingly listening to bruno mars (dont hate) shared with a special someone. Lifes good.
I think its been over 2 years since I have had a Sunday where I didnt have to work. Well this Sunday was no different.
I woke up planning to ride my bike to work, but as I looked outside I was greeted with some dense fog. I could barely see the car lights. Even though I now have health insurance all thanks to Obamacare, I didnt want to risk getting run over. So as much as I dislike to, I drove to work. As soon as I got off, I had to enjoy the amazing weather the Bay Area has been having. Got home, changed, and hopped on the bike. Went to some of my spots, ran some errands, and hung out with my grandparents. I love this bike. I told my Grandma that my shoulders have been bothering me and she went and gave me a massage. She found a huge knot on my left shoulder and massaged it out, I feel so much better. Going in for a 2nd session tomorrow. Man, I love that woman. Chillin, watching TV. After a couple hours of hanging out, I went and rode over to my cousin's 15th birthday party. Made me feel so old, but my cousin's girlfriend wouldnt give me a beer cause she thought I was only 17. haha
Then browsing around the garage, my cousins and I found this old box filled with matches. Matches from all over, we later figured out that they are my cousin's grandparents. They are my dad's uncle/auntie which is my grandpa's brother, that would make them my? i dont know... anyways. Some of the matches dated back to the 80's, even had a ticket to Disneyland back in '88, the tickets only cost $15! Also had this ticket to the world trade center! Crazy! I need to find something small to collect. That was my Sunday. Ill leave you guys with these.
After a month or so of crap weather, the clouds finally let up and let the sun come out to play. Which worked out perfectly with my work schedule, my co workers trading me shifts, which meant I worked in the morning and I had the rest of the day to have some fun. Speaking of work, Im scheduled to work 12 days straight, but good things is easy and slow. Too slow at times, where I find myself just being bored out of my mind trying to find things to do. But hey, at least Im getting paid for it. After work I met up with Jeff and Justin and we rode out to Coyote Hills. We planned to visit "The Boat" but to our surprise it isnt there anymore! :( But life goes on and we continued on our ride and went up Nike Hill. Havent been actually putting in good miles on the bike so my legs werent really there. Plus I was getting super hungry, but I wasnt gonna give up and made it to the top. It was very painful. On top of that I did it on the track bike while the other 2 were on their road bikes spinning away. After all that rode all the way to San Leandro to go to Bike Party. They decided to have it in Hayward this month. Dont ask me why, there isnt really much in Hayward and the route they were taking was through the ghetto parts and on top of that, half of the riders were either drunk or stoned. Wouldnt wanna be riding in that kind of crowd. So we decided not to ride and just get picked up by Steve in his 10ft truck. Ended the day with a nice large meal at Red Chilli. Tofu Pad Thai! Also ere are some random pictures:
Charles jumping over his bike. and this would make one funny gift. Thats all for now.