Friday, January 8, 2010

The other day

I had to go to work to sign some papers and while there I ran into a customer, Mark, whom has been staying with us for a while talking to my co-worker. My co-worker later then brought up that Mark stayed in the Philippines for a while. (He's white by the way) We had a little conversation about my homeland and how much he liked it out there. I ended up finding out that he was a Nurse, has a degree in Biology, has been to a whole bunch of countries, likes Japanese girls, and that he is a damn good artist. He sent some pictures to my co-worker and she later forwarded it to me with a little note. Pictures are pretty damn good. Check em' out.

These were taken with a different camera in a different time for me. As I look at them again I can remember those times. In some ways it seems a lifetime ago now. In other ways it feels like yesterday. I guess thats from getting older. But these are some of what I saw and tried to capture.
Hope you like them

This one's my favorite.

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