Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What Insomia, Alcohol, and Myspace Blogs leads to.

The beginning of an intimate relationship is always the best, well for me anyways. Its my favorite part of the whole "getting together" process. The mystery is still present and lots of fun is still to be had. Each person seem to try their hardest to impress the other while at the same time taking the time to get to know them. Each move by each person is methodically thought out, trying to prevent any flaws or any embarrassing mishaps, trying to increase the likelihood for the relationship to go to the next level. 

But through my past experiences I have found that after the transition from this beginning level to the next, a relationship can go to a few different directions. It can go well and the couple will live happily ever after. It can go well but not materialize and each goes their separate ways or the relationship can just crumble in front of their eyes.

For the most part the last situation is what my relationships have been turning to. Rubble. 

And that can be said to my current. 

I don't know what to do. Well I have an idea on what I can do, I just do not know if I should. But like you said "easier said than done," but anything can be done as long as you put your mind to it. 

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